The exercise revolves around exploration of paper to create a variety of forms and eventually develop a family of forms. Exploring paper as a medium a few things can be understood. Firstly, paper is an unforgiving medium as to what I could hide or show. The creases once made remained on the paper even if the form was changed. Thus, thinking about the type of form before folding the paper became a key step in the process. Secondly, there is a limitation to the level of stress the paper can take. Excessive bending of paper may cause unwanted tear to the paper.
Thirdly, paper forms with simple bends have a difficulty of standing straight. So, the folds
needs to be set at the right place if one wants to create a standing form.
The paper forms exercise created a sense of restraint in my mind towards
material. How simple and small folds can completely change the character of the entire form was an
interesting learning through this exercise. This was a key milestone in understanding the concept of form as a whole.
Paper Forms


Paper Forms
